Who are we?
The Open Halls Project is a small organization, set up to connect military Heathens with civilian and military heathens throughout the world. Our goal is simple, no one should be without community simply because of service to their country. Many military Heathens are just a stone’s throw away from others, and just don’t realize it. So we are trying our best to offer a hand to those folks. We have a database of names and addresses and hopefully one day, we’ll accomplish our dream of implementing a fluid system that doesn’t always require our input to help people make those connections.
The two founders of The Open Halls Project are Cat and Josh Heath. Cat and Josh are nearing the end of their six year journey with the US Army. Josh spent 5.5 years on Active Duty and is in the last few months with the active Army Reserve. Even though they’ll no longer be living the military life for themselves, they’ll still be working on the Open Halls Project and trying to come up with new ways to make life easier for Heathens in the military.
Contact us directly at heathenopenhalls@googlemail.com
Please add us to your contact list or occasionally check your spam for our emails. Sadly it seems like some of our emails may have landed in that pile. Hopefully this will stop happening as we get a bigger and bigger presence.
Also, please visit our Facebook group and ask to join if you’d like to communicate directly with our members. https://www.facebook.com/groups/210819098975046/
Hail our Troops!
This website was put together by Jeff Wells. Or JS Wells on Facebook. He rocks!!!!